Midnight Mass: 10 Best Characters Ranked

5. Bev Keane

Midnight Mass

One of the best things about Midnight Mass is how it goes out of its way to tell us that there are no heroes or villains, just people. That being said, Bev Keane is one of the most despicable and in-your-face baddies in recent years. She's less like a person, and more like the physical personification of extreme religious fanaticism.

If there is one word that could be used to describe Keane, it would be evil. At least when it comes Father Paul, you can understand why he did what he did and, to some extent, may even be able to relate to it. Keane though? She is just pure, unadulterated evil.

Bev is one of those people who cannot bring themselves to accept the fact that they are not special, and it's because of that she goes out of her way to feel like she is. She doesn't care who gets hurt, or even killed, as long as her fragile, pathetic ego is fed.

Even if her plan was successful, what would have been her end goal? The answer is nothing, because when, like her, your motivation lies in egotistical self-satisfaction there is not a thing in the world that can fill the void you so desperately want to be rid of.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.