Midnight Mass: 10 Best Characters Ranked

4. Erin Greene

Midnight Mass

Strong willed, resilient, and determined, Erin Green is hands down one of the most compelling characters in a show filled with them.

From the moment we meet Erin, it isn't hard to tell why Riley had fallen head over heels in love with her. She's someone who isn't afraid to look a monster like Bev Keane in her face and, much like Annie, read her for absolute filth. As a child of abuse, not only is she oddly well put together, but is the exact opposite of the kind of person her mother was. Kind, caring, and compassionate, Greene would have made a mother that any kid would be lucky to have.

Oh, and then there's the whole part about her saving the world. Well, it was a group effort, but if Erin didn't use her last moments alive to make Swiss Cheese out of Mr. Vampire's wings, who knows how much that thing could have gotten up to. She made an absolute fool out of an immortal killing machine. Can it get anymore badass than that?

Hopefully in another lifetime, she's able to live the life she so very much deserved.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.