Money Heist: Ranking All The Main Characters From Worst To Best

4. Alicia Sierra

Money Heist Stockholm

For a long time, fans of Money Heist wondered if we'd ever see a member of law enforcement come close to rivalling the Professor. He always seemed to outwit the cops, always one step ahead, far more intelligent than even the sharpest of minds in the police tent.

Enter Alicia Sierra. Introduced in the third season, she's one of a very small number of characters in the show who has the intelligence not just to match the Professor, but perhaps even to exceed him.

With a lollipop almost always in her hand and a big pregnant belly, she might look like the picture of innocence on the outside, but Sierra is one of the coldest characters Money Heist has given us thus far.

Her cunning nature and intellect make her positively magnetic to watch, along with her ruthlessness, as time and again she shows that she'll stop at nothing to have her own way.

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Mike Pedley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.