Money Heist: Ranking All The Main Characters From Worst To Best

12. Arturo

Money Heist Stockholm

Unquestionably the most infuriating character in the entire show - and perhaps any show ever made - Arturo Roman is the man we've all loved to hate since the very first episode.

Introduced as the director of the Royal Mint of Spain, he's instantly seen to be sleazy, underhanded, deceitful, and cowardly, and he only gets worse from there!

As the show has gone on, we've seen that there no depths Arturo won't sink to, from bullying others into doing his dirty work to trying to sexually assault his fellow hostages.

He's an awful example of all the worst parts of mankind, but he's still somehow weirdly entertaining to watch, and we simply have to hope he'll get his just desserts in future episodes.

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Money Heist
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Mike Pedley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.