Money Heist: Ranking All The Main Characters From Worst To Best

13. Gandia

Money Heist Stockholm

Gandia is not a likeable character, but he's certainly a memorable one and has left a legacy that won't soon be forgotten. Out of all the antagonists we've seen on Money Heist, he's also the guy you'd least like to find yourself in a fight with.

A trained assassin with an almost animalistic nature and a vicious violent streak, he escapes and eludes the robbers on more than one occasion and brings a genuine level of fear and threat to many of the episodes, proving to be one of the toughest opponents the team ever has to face.

He manages to kidnap Tokyo, nearly strangles Helsinki to death, captures and kills Nairobi, and very nearly puts an end to the entire heist single-handedly. He's hardly a fan favourite, but in terms of pure entertainment and thrills, he helped to take the show to new heights.

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Mike Pedley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.