Monty Python's 5 Biggest Live Surprises

1. "So It Is"

Of all the sketches wirtten and produced by the Pythons, it is arguably the Dead Parrot Sketch that is the most popular. Starring John Cleese and Michael Palin, it defines the very essence of what Monty Python is: absolute lunacy. In one of the most high-profile homages, even South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone produced the one-off Dead Friend Sketch in it's honour; a loving parody in which Cartman attempts to get a refund from Kyle for the dead friend (Kenny), which he has just purchased. Being the most well known of course, it is obviously highly predictable. In their various stage performances therefore, both Cleese and Palin would occasionally try to play with the delivery of the sketch, and it wasn't unknown for them to be laughing almost as much as those in the audience. Eventually however, this was a game of one-upmanship that would have a downright winner. At the 1989 Secret Policeman's Ball, a fundraising event for Amnesty International, Palin would turn the entire sketch on it's head with three simple words. Upon inspecting the Parrot that Cleese has brought back to him, he merely agrees that "so it is", gives Cleese a refund and walks off stage leaving him completely bemused. Never in the history of live British Comedy has an absolute classic been performed with such a level of unexpected, but hilarious genius.
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One man fate has made indescribable