8 Most Pointless Deaths In Game Of Thrones
7. Barristan Selmy
As with all the great slain fighters on this list, the effort dedicated to selling Selmy as a great warrior was entirely wasted with a death that served no great purpose. This perhaps isn't the worst death for a warrior given that it actually took place in a battle of sorts but this was a man who carved out his legend in the White Book of the Kingsguard.
The Sons Of The Harpy were a clunky and abrupt addition to the Meereen story and would have benefited from a much slower build to culminate in the death of a legend like Barristan The Bold.
While the back alley labyrinth he ultimately died in evened the odds somewhat, there's not really enough in that sequence to convincingly sell the death of the best swordsman Jamie Lannister and Rickard Stark have ever seen.
Perhaps it might have worked better if Barristan were saving Grey Worm from accomplished fighters as opposed to masked former slave owners. And it's not like it marked the culmination of a story.