Netflix's Voltron: 5 Reasons It's The Best Animated TV Series Of 2016

4. Alurra Isn't Your Traditional Princess

Voltron Legendary Defender

In the last few years we have been treated to many animated television shows that have continued to be progressive and include strong, positive female characters, including Steven Universe and Burka Avenger just to name a few. But even in the original series, the writers changed the tropes for typical princess characters from fiction and created Princess Allura, a guide for the new Paladins to operate the Voltron Lions.

In Voltron: Legendary Defender, the writers decided to stay true to the character while also adding some new elements. For starters, she is woken up after a thousand years of slumber to know that she is the last member of her royal family, determined to teach the heroes how to stop Emperor Zarkon. Having survived a long and terrible war, we get to see how intelligent and experienced Princess Allura is and grows into her position as both guide and royal leader.

She has also taken part in intense action scenes to assist the team throughout their journey. From operating her family's spaceship against an oncoming fleet to even going hand to hand against Galra Empire's soldiers, she often shows to have more than just brains to protect herself and Voltron.

But what makes her so compelling and strong is how she commands the new team of youths to face the same threat that destroyed her society. The voice actor behind Princess Allura, Kimberly Brooks, brings the character to life and in her calm voice, she easily took control in her scenes. Even in her most emotional episode, Crystal Venom, we see her having to be strong after she sacrifices an AI version of her father in order to safe the spaceship that holds Voltron from colliding into a sun.


A writer who enjoys all things animation while dabbling into some gritty sci-fi and fantasy television. Enjoys a Marvel-ous cinematic trip like anyone else and has continued to love Pokémon since the '90s.