Netflix's Love, Death & Robots: All 18 Episodes, Ranked Worst To Best

1. Helping Hand

Love Death And Robots

Stranded in orbit, an astronaut must choose between life and limb before her oxygen runs out.

Helping Hand starts off as a rip-off of 2013’s Gravity but becomes, in my mostly accurate opinion, better than Alfonso Cuarón’s Oscar winner. A survival story in the most foreign of terrains the film is possibly more terrifying than stressful. Watching the woman drift from the space station without a hint of help in sight is something we’ve only seen once before, and still severely frightening.

The detail of the astronaut constitutes the best use of computer graphics and feels the most accurate to CGI used in mainstream film. The acting is superb and the story graphically realistic; without spoiling the short uses one of Einstein’s laws of motion unlike any media ever has.

Much like the message of 127 Hours, nothing is stronger than the will to survive. As graphic and stomach-churning as it is, the ultimate message is one of vigilance and overcoming the odds.


Which episode of Love, Death & Robots is your favourite? Let us know in the comments!


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