Netflix's The Punisher: 10 Insanely Dark Moments That Won't Be Used

4. The Punisher Dies And Turns Ordinary People Into Killers

Jason Aaron€™s aforementioned PunisherMAX series was separate from the main Marvel Comics continuity and therefore had free rein to do drastic things with Frank Castle. Chief of all these was the decision to kill off The Punisher in the final issues of the series. After finally defeating and killing the Kingpin, Frank bled out from his injuries and died in the penultimate issue. In the final chapter, he was buried. The death of this ruthless protector sparked a public uprising, which saw ordinary folk turning against the criminals of New York. This was meant to show that, although he hadn€™t completed his mission to eradicate crime, The Punisher had left behind a legacy that would continue his work indefinitely. Many more crooks would die in his name, which is - in a twisted, comic book sort of way - a good thing. Again, this is just too dark for the MCU. Major characters rarely die in Marvel Studios properties, and when they do they don€™t inspire other people to go out and become killers. Even though he€™s an antihero, it€™s doubtful that the MCU€™s Punisher will be so brutal as to encourage others to become heartless killers as well.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.