Netflix's The Punisher: 10 Insanely Dark Moments That Won't Be Used
3. A Mobster Urinates On The Corpses Of His Deceased Family
If anyone at Marvel Studios brought up the idea of adapting Garth Ennis Up Is Down, Black Is White storyline from 2006 into live-action form, theyd quickly be laughed at. This is the story where deranged mobster Nicky Cavella dug up the corpses of Frank Castles dead family, pissed on them, and sent video evidence to the man himself. Cavella was really keen to wind him up. The story that follows is simple, with The Punisher gunning his way through the entire mob to get to Cavella, in a similar way to The Raid (but with bullets instead of martial arts skills). This kind of revenge rampage might one day be adapted to the screen, but theres no chance in hell that Marvel would have the guts to enable it with a man urinating on corpses. Even for their grittier Netflix branch, this kind of lewd shock-inducing fare would be too much. Glamourising the gunning-down of bad guys is one thing, but showcasing the desecration of a grave as a fun opening scene is far, far worse. There's no chance theyll ever adapt that.