Netflix's The Punisher: 10 Insanely Dark Moments That Won't Be Used

2. The Punisher Dooms The Human Race

Garth Ennis once again wowed readers with his incredibly dark arc The End, which placed an elderly Frank Castle in a world ravage by a nuclear apocalypse. The Punisher was imprisoned at the time, and survived in a bunker at New York€™s Sing-Sing correctional facility. After a year, he decided to brave the fallout and wandered into the wasteland. He finds the Coven, a collection of warmongers, senators and oil tycoons. They urge Frank not to kill them, stating that they€™re the only survivors left in the world. Regardless, Frank shoots them dead because he knows that they€™d just ruin the planet again if they did manage to repopulate. Frank has doomed the human race. As the last man standing on the planet, he walks out into the wasteland once more. Fire burns his flesh. Hair falls from his head. The radiation is killing him, and the world is ending. Frank's final thought is about the family he lost back in 1976. Of course, there€™s no way that Marvel Studios will ever adapt this story. They want the MCU to keep churning out movies and TV shows forever, so an endgame story like this would be totally illogical as well as massively miserable.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.