Once Upon A Time: 10 Best Villains

10. King George

It's no surprise that showrunners Eddy Kitsis and Adam Horowitz - both writers and producers on Lost - brought Charles Widmore himself, Alan Dale, over to Once Upon A Time to play the effectively smug King George. Between forcing a young David to assume the identity of his prince brother James and eventually cursing Snow White to prevent her from being able to have children, the King proved time and again that he was a character far removed from decency. Even after the original curse was lifted from Storybrooke, George framed Ruby for the death of Billy, trapped Snow and Emma in the Enchanted Forest by destroying Jefferson's hat and vowed to ruin David's life for as long as he could. Though viewers haven't seen King George since season two, Dale's suitably arrogant performance is one that they won't soon forget. Despite the fact the show has since moved on to much bigger villains, George is still out there and it's hard to imagine him not resurfacing to join part of a grand, evil plot somewhere down the line if it means having another chance to destroy David.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!