Once Upon A Time: 10 Characters Who Totally Got The Shaft
4. Archie Hopper As much as I hate to say this, having Archie dead would be better than him being alive. The problem with Archie is that the show established that he was helping Regina become less eviland then promptly ditched her as soon as Cora got in town. Having a conscious/psychiatrist means that issues have to be worked through instead of dwelled upon and brooded on (and do we know how much OUAT loves its brooding.) Archie actually dying instead of his fake-out death would have solved that problem. Though I'm glad he's alive, the main problem with Archie is that he consistently has little to nothing to do, which is a crying shame when so many characters this season could have used a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on. Hopefully during Season 3 well see Archie act as a conscious or second-in-command to Belle, helping her make the right decisions as she essentially runs Storybrooke. I wouldnt bet money on it, however.