Orange Is The New Black: 10 Things You Need To Know About Ruby Rose
Watch out Litchfield. With those boxing skills, it's not just hearts she'll be breaking.

The third season of Orange is the New Black hits ours screens this Friday with a new object of lust that makes Laura Prepon look like a virginal schoolgirl – the sassy, sarcastic Stella Carlin, played by bad girl-turned-philanthropist Ruby Rose. And rumour has it that the ballsy rock-chick, who defied stereotypes and went on to conquer the music and the fashion industry, has the 2 hottest inmates eating from her hand all through the upcoming 14 episodes.
With the latest Netflix instalment, which hits the airwaves on June 12, expected to reach millions of viewers, Ruby Rose is set to become the new queen of mainstream TV. Not bad going for someone who thought her out-there tattoos and in-your-face style would stop her from making it in showbiz.
But Rose's appeal goes way beyond the statement haircut and tough girl rep. The former MTV VJ has battled her fair share of demons throughout these 29 years and she is known for working passionately to raise awareness about issues like bullying and depression, that affect the lives of countless young people today.
Here are 10 facts that make Rose the best thing to hit Orange is the New Black this season - and not one of them mentions those damn near-perfect looks.
10. She Made Out With Wednesday Adams, actually, she didn’t so much ‘make out’ as have full-blown, throaty sex. And it wasn’t really with Wednesday Addams – it was with the very real, very appealing Christina Ricci who, 14 years down the line, had long shed The Addams Family legacy to embark on a series of quirky roles.
It all happened on the set of Valerie Harrington’s Around The Block, in which Ricci played Dino, an American teaching at an underprivileged Australian school. She meets Rose’s character in a bar, one tequila leads to another and the two find themselves getting sweaty before you can say "pass the lime".
The scene is an intense one, with the two actresses going at it in a decidedly convincing manner, at least according to legions of fans who almost broke the internet reposting out-takes of that one part. But Rose confesses to an initial touch of awkwardness, mostly due to Ricci’s not-unimpressive on screen pedigree. However, the two bonded over shots of water (Rose is a teetotaller, but more on that later) and Ricci’s reassuring Rose to “disregard her petite frame and not be afraid to throw her around”.