Orange Is The New Black: 7 Reasons To Be Excited For Season 6

3. Return Of Familiar Faces

Orange Is The New Black Season 6

With only the trailer released, it’s difficult to judge how many former characters will make a reappearance during this season. One that did feature in the trailer though was Lolly Whitehead.

This reintroduction could play a major role throughout the season due to her knowledge of Aydin’s death at the hands of Alex Vause in season 4. Lolly and Alex coming face-to-face during this season could change the entire future of the series, especially after her engagement to Piper at the end of the previous season.

Fans of the show have already begun to speculate about Alex’s future following her notable absence from the trailer and although it would, of course, be a bold move to write her out entirely it could lead to some interesting and dramatic consequences that would certainly be worth watching.


Student, part-time freelance writer, holder of many questionable opinions and impassioned hater of Lord Of The Rings (disagree? Find me on Twitter, @JoshSandy)