Orange Is The New Black: 7 Reasons To Be Excited For Season 6

2. Lasting Consequences

Orange Is The New Black Season 6

With potential charges of the murder of a guard and being the ringleader of a 3-day-long riot hanging over the inmate’s heads, it is clear the stakes have never been higher. Long gone are the days where the SHU was a feared punishment, anyone found guilty as a result of the investigation would be facing life imprisonment.

The trailer has shown the pressure that the inmates are under to crack and reveal the culprits so tensions will be high throughout the season. Not only would the person found guilty face consequences, but the person responsible for sending one of their own to that fate would likely also face their own repercussions from fellow inmates.

Season 5 showed the length that some inmates are willing to go for their families on the outside, specifically Gloria and Ruiz, but season 6 could push some to go even further to save themselves from never seeing the outside world again.


Student, part-time freelance writer, holder of many questionable opinions and impassioned hater of Lord Of The Rings (disagree? Find me on Twitter, @JoshSandy)