THE binge-watching spectacle of 2013 was, hands down, Orange Is The New Black. The Netflix original series crept up on the masses, dishing out its entire 13-episode run in one fell swoop leaving a trail of captivated hearts, crotches and column inches in its wake. Its heady concoction of comedy, pathos, and more romping than a rabbit run guaranteed a mounting hysteria tantamount to The Beatles first televised appearance. The prison-set dramedy follows the preppy Piper (Taylor Schilling) at the beginning of her 18-month sentence at Litchfield Prison. Uniting a smorgasbord of women inside its barbed-wire perimeter, the stage was set for a host of cat-fighting, bribery, hook-ups... you name it, these girls get to it. Having a predominantly female cast indulge in a slew of unsavoury activities kept viewers coming back for more - right up until the much-discussed finale. One year later, and season two is nearly upon us, with sufficient teasing by Netflix in the form of trailers, posters and clips theres a lot more to come out of Litchfield. And with a string of storylines this gripping up in the air, theres no doubt Orange Is The New Blacks gotta deal with some of them, right?
Gem is a freelance writer, musician and librarian.
Her hobbies include: recreating movie death scenes from LEGO, concocting new types of bird suet cakes, walking on fresh snow and playing the glockenspiel - all at the same time.