Orange Is The New Black Season 5: 14 Biggest WTF Moments

4. Pornstache Gets Emotional

Orange Is The New Black WTF

In this season we see a lot of prominent characters reappear, at least for a moment, but none is more memorable than Pornstache. George Mendez lives with his mother, and with his mustache gone, actually looks like a decent person. When his mother gets the call from Daya, George stand next to her and immediately wants to talk to Daya.

It's hard not to feel sympathetic towards the former guard, who was one of the most despicable characters in the series. Now it seems that he has turned his life around. He shows his gentle, emotional side, which he didn't reveal in the past. Being a father - even though it's not his baby - really changed him for the better.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.