Orange Is The New Black Season 5: 14 Biggest WTF Moments

11. Frieda Enters Her Secret Room

Orange Is The New Black WTF

One of the most unrealistic moments of the show came in episode number two, as Frieda Berlin, one of the oldest inmates, was able to get away from all the commotion and enter her secret room. It was a place which she prepared for herself through the years, collecting objects as various as cans, seats, even an old PC.

The assessment of this moment is problematic, because of said lack of realism, but it was nonetheless entertaining and somewhat shocking. Having your own private space in a place as crowded as a prison, with your own supply of food and drinks, must be really enjoyable. Even if it's really unlikely.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.