Orange Is The New Black Season 5: 14 Biggest WTF Moments

8. The Talent Show

Orange Is The New Black WTF

There's a lot of WTF moments here, but since it's hard to pick one, it's better to discuss the whole thing collectively. The funniest thing about "Litchfield Idol" (or "Litchfield's Got Talent") is the seriousness with which some of the guards-turned-prisoners approach their performances. Instead of rebelling, they're really into it. Well, at least some of them.

There's singing, stand-up and even striptease. While entertaining and funny, there's constant tension in the air. It stems from the fact that Angie is the one holding a gun. The fact that she can fire it at any minute takes some of the enjoyment away from the show, but keeps the viewers on their toes throughout the performances.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.