Orange Is The New Black Season 5: 14 Biggest WTF Moments

7. Drugs Are Bad

Orange Is The New Black WTF

Looking for a way to disgrace Piscatella, Red and Blanca go through his office looking for documents that will prove he's a sadist. When they grow tired, they turn to dietary supplements, in other circles known simply as drugs. The women feel elated and form one of the most unlikely friendships in the show's history.

The formation of the bond is a really strange moment, because it's so unexpected. When Red decides to take the pill, it's obvious what'll follow. That's a very irresponsible action, one that Reznikov always avoided in the past. Her determination to disgrace the guard, as well as the trust she puts in Blanca, are really surprising.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.