Orange Is The New Black: Top 10 Moments Of Season 3

8. Big Boo And Pennsatucky€™s Unlikely Alliance

Had anyone told you in Season One that two of the closest allies in Litchfield two years down the road would be none other than Tiffany €˜Pennsatucky€™ Doggett and Carrie €˜Big Boo€™ Black, you may have thought that they needed a turn in the Psych Ward. Against all odds, however, it has happened, and it is glorious - easily becoming one of the most amusing and heartfelt friendships on the show. While much of Season 3 deals with the prison system itself as the biggest villain in the lives of the inmates, showcasing how it can turn even good people bad as they have to fend for themselves against it, Big Boo and Pennsatucky show an opposite side to this coin. The only thing that could have brought these two women together, realistically, is prison; and through their experiences in prison, they are both able to better understand each other€™s lives, though wildly different from their own, and come together with one mantra: €œTo heaven or hell, and nothing in between.€ That€™s not to mention, of course, the hilarity of Boo trying €“ and failing €“ to play it straight for Pennsatucky€™s evangelist benefactor, or the sweet moment when Boo tries to comfort Tiffany over her aborted babies and then over Coates€™ horrific actions, culminating in the bittersweet moment where they try, and fail, to exact revenge, but end up realizing some things are better left in the past.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.