Orange Is The New Black: Top 10 Moments Of Season 3

9. Suzanne And Taystee Deal With Vee€™s Death

Vee left a sour taste in everyone€™s mouth last season, save for her few supporters, among whom there were still quite a few who were glad to see her go (even though she made for a far more interesting season, all things considered). Chief among Vee€™s loyal followers was and is Suzanne €˜Crazy Eyes€™ Warren, whose devotion was matched perhaps only by Taystee€™s, with whom she had a long and rough history. Throughout the third season, Suzanne makes constant reference to Vee returning from the dead, played off generally with exasperation and ridicule from the rest of the group, of which Taystee becomes the unwitting and unwilling €˜mother€™ to generally hilarious and heartwarming effect. This all comes to a head in a tragic moment where Taystee and Suzanne connect over the loss of Vee €“ Taystee having to remind Suzanne through tears that €œshe€™s dead€ €“ and everything that she represented in their lives. The scene reminds viewers of how psychopathic Vee was, manipulating both women into being on her side throughout the last season and most of Taystee€™s life, while simultaneously underlining Orange Is The New Black€™s main purpose: displaying the tenuous connections we make with one another through our shared experiences, reminding us all through the two women of the struggle that comes with wanting to be needed and loved in this world, no matter how despicable the person doing it may be.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.