Orange Is The New Black: Top 10 Moments Of Season 3

4. Black Cindy And Judaism

One of the funnier ongoing arcs in the series came about when a newcomer to Litchfield starting the trend of requesting Kosher food as an upgrade to regular prison grub, which quickly spread over to Cindy and her inmate family, and then over to the rest of the prison. Perhaps one of the best moments of the season came when the higher-ups at Litchfield needed a rabbi to come in to the prison to test the faith of all of the Kosher-eating inmates €“ and none but Sister Ingalls thought that the Torah might be a better resource to pass as Jewish than Annie Hall. Cue every inmate struggling to answer questions on anything more Jewish than Woody Allen, meaning a heart-wrenching goodbye to kosher meals. However, things took a more serious route with Cindy, who became increasingly interested in the Jewish faith, culminating in her once again being visited by the rabbi in order to confirm herself as Jewish €“ while it was played off for laughs up until this point, Cindy gives a heartfelt explanation at the rabbi€™s second denial, detailing her own past experiences with faith, family, and God, leading her to what looks like the right path for the first time in her life. It's the kind of speech that, if it doesn't leave you speechless, at least makes watching Orange Is The New Black, even when it's at its most mediocre, very well worth it.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.