Orange Is The New Black: Top 10 Moments Of Season 3

5. Norma€™s Flashback Story

Arguably the best part of getting a new season of Orange is the inevitable showering of backstories and flashbacks bestowed upon viewers, often for characters that nobody would expect, with histories that are just as unanticipated. This season was excellent in these terms, with, to name a few, Chang€™s, Leanne€™s, and Pennsatucky€™s histories getting their exceptionally well-written due. However, the one that merits its own entry on this list is, without doubt, Norma€™s. While there have been whispered murder speculations around many inmates, including Season 1€™s Miss Claudette and even Yoga Jones, the best part of Norma€™s history is that it was utterly unprecedented in the violence of the crime that landed her in Litchfield €“ yet, somehow, one of the most justified. With the fraudulent Guru Mack losing all of his cult-like followers except Norma, who fell in love with him because he thought that he was the kind, understanding person that she needed, he had begun to take all of his frustrations with his empty life out on her €“ these years of abuse eventually driving her to (literally) push him off the edge of the cliff. Not only was it an emotionally satisfying moment, but, let€™s be real: the reason it makes it on the list is that it€™s just plain badass. Though the storyline surrounding Norma this season was bizarre to say the least, the way it tied in with her backstory nearly made it worth it, with Norma now becoming the person she thought that her fraud of a €˜husband€™ should have been and the person that she thought for so many years that he was.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.