Orange Is The New Black Season 2: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

9. More Backstories

One of the most satisfying and enjoyable parts of Orange is the New Black is the way we've been able to get to know each character personally and individually. By seeing who they are before they came to prison, and what drove them there, has on the whole created a delicate web of very relatable and sympathetic characters that are credited with more than just support cast. The teaser shows both Morello and Taystee in civilian clothes. It€™s not clear as to whether this is indeed a flashback or looking at them post-release, but either way these two characters are both long due further exploration. Morello is one of the more mysterious characters on Orange is the New Black. Though we've seen quite a lot of her in screen time thanks to her relationship with Nicky, we've seen very little of her outside of that. She talks about a fiance, but there has been plenty of doubt cast on his very existence, and we still haven€™t been filled in as to why she€™s at Litchfield in the first place. Taystee, too, has had very little explanation given to her backstory. We know that there isn€™t much for her outside of prison, but aside from that we know very little of her pre-prison life. In fact, the only hint we've had as to why she was in Litchfield in the first place was a story about waking up topless next to a dead guy covered in barbecue sauce. Now that is a story worth exploring.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.