Felix, Felix, Felix. What could have been a frankly two-dimensional portrayal of a stereotype by Jordan Garvaris became one of the biggest saving graces of 'Orphan Black' as Gavaris' Felix became the unlikely heart of the show, the viewers' surrogate, and the best source of comedy on the entire show. Felix, a gay drug dealer, prostitute and aspiring painter becomes dragged into the story of the clones and soon became their best ally, always ready with a comforting moment and a bitchy quip (his relationship with Alison became the best platonic friendship on the show and there should be no question that it should be revisited). Fortunately, however, Felix will be spreading his wings in season two and the creators have promised Felix will take a bigger role in the show and will have his own story, which is a positive move due to Felix's pronounced status as a fan favourite and someone the wider fans will be eager to see. What Felix's journey will be is unknown, but his romance with the cute coroner, his drug past and his own relationship with both Sarah and Mrs S seem perfect for exploring and delving into. One thing that producers have confirmed will be part of Felix's expanded role this season will be his current friendship with Sarah which is set to become much rockier and more tested as the pair go further down the clone rabbit hole. Gavaris has said that "Season 2 helps to do is establish Felix outside of the clones, as an individual, with his own identity" and Manson confirmed that " relationship with Sarah is tested". With Felix acting as Sarah's moral support, how will the two siblings find themselves at opposing odds and what will that mean for the course of the season?