Parks And Recreation: 15 Incredibly Subtle Jokes And Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

14. Dr. Saperstein's Dry Cleaning Service

Parks and Recreation Jamm Sign

At the end of their massive feud throughout Season 6, Dr. Saperstein pays a visit to Tom, wanting to become an investor in his restaurant. Saperstein explains that he's always looking for new investments, listing off businesses he's involved in: an auto dealership, a massage parlor, and a dry cleaning transactional holding company that's doing really well. Tom makes a concerned face upon hearing that last item, but why? Well, that's exactly the business Ben tried to convince Tom to open earlier in the season. 

Back in Season 6 Episode 14 "The Wall," Ben explains to Tom that opening a restaurant is extremely risky. Instead, Ben pitches his own idea. "You would be the middle man between dry cleaners and the companies that sell chemicals to dry cleaners," he says. Tom hates that, but as Saperstein brags about his successful dry cleaning company, you can see Tom's realization that Ben was right all along and that this would have been a much better investment. 


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.