Parks And Recreation: 15 Incredibly Subtle Jokes And Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

13. Tom And Jean-Ralphio On Twitter

Parks and Recreation Jamm Sign

Jean-Ralphio isn't always the best friend, but he at least supports Tom in the one area that's most important to his life: social media. In "Sex Education" from Season 5, Tom is in court after he crashes his car while tweeting, probably the most Tom thing to do ever. The tweets he was sending are pulled up on the screen, and although Tom is completely obsessed with Twitter, his tweets don't seem to be very popular at all.

Well, they're popular with one person at least. Every single tweet that's shown has exactly one favorite, and if you pause and look at the icon, you'll see that Jean-Ralphio is the person favoriting them all. Yes, even the tweet that Tom sent as he crashed. You can also see Tom's Twitter bio at the top which reads, "Ladies Man, Nightclub Impresario, Parks Department Administrator." Of course he would put "ladies man" before his actual jobs.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.