Parks And Recreation: 15 Incredibly Subtle Jokes And Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

12. April And Andy Want Drugs

Parks and Recreation Jamm Sign

In "Correspondents' Lunch" from Season 5, Leslie and Ben come back from their honeymoon with gifts for everyone. They bring a bag of fertility tea for Ann, only to realize it’s actually some sort of illegal substance. Up until then, Leslie didn't find it weird at all that she had to obtain the tea from some guy in a parking lot. Leslie throws the bag in the trash, the camera quickly pans up and moves on, but pay close attention to April and Andy’s reaction. 

April longingly looks at the trash can and then up at Andy, and he nods his head in agreement, as if the two are planning to grab the drugs once everyone leaves. The moment lasts literally two seconds, and it goes by so quickly that it’s hard to even process what they’re doing, but it makes for a great joke that you pick up on after seeing the show a million times. It’s also one of those moments that totally feels improvised by Chris Pratt and Aubrey Plaza, who felt that there’s no way Andy and April wouldn’t be all over that stuff.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.