Parks And Recreation: 15 Incredibly Subtle Jokes And Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

9. Alright, Alright, Alright

Parks and Recreation Jamm Sign

During Season 6, the series decided to pay tribute to the ongoing McConaissance in the best way possible. When Leslie finds out she’s going to have triplets, she and Ben are understandably freaked out about the whole thing, and Dr. Saperstein tries to calm them down. He says, “Leslie, I need you to be Buddha on quaaludes. Ben, you are Matthew McConaughey in a hammock on the beach.”

That line is the main joke, but then Ben responds by saying, “Alright…alright…alright,” Matthew McConaughey's catch phrase. In writing, the joke seems obvious, but Ben is already such a nervous guy that at first it just comes across like he's stumbling over his words and trying to say "alright" once. He also takes such large pauses in between that it really sounds nothing like McConaughey, but that only makes the joke that much more clever because it's not that obvious a reference. 


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.