Parks And Recreation: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

1. Ron Swanson

Parks And Rec Cast Photo

If you were to mention Parks and Recreation to a group, the first image to come to almost everyone's head would likely be that of Ron Swanson. There has and will never be another character quite like Ron, as he could only exist in a show like this.

Swanson - played to perfection by Nick Offerman - was a humble man who was proud of his abilities. He loved to make things with his hands, despised sharing personal information, and, despite his cloudy disposition, was capable of delivering incredibly profound words of wisdom.

One of the funniest aspects of this character was his disdain for government. As a proud Libertarian, Ron had thoroughly strong anti-establishment views and, as such, his working in a governmental department was a deliberate ploy to sabotage it from within. However, Ron was so good at his job that things never went that way.

He was incredibly funny, thanks to the unique humour that Nick Offerman brought to the part. His always stoic and stand-offish approach to conversation and his job made him utterly relatable, in a surprising way. Everyone wishes they could care as little as Ron did, but knows they never could.

He was the best part of a fantastic show, and that says a lot.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!