Parks And Recreation: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best
2. Leslie Knope

Leslie was the hardest working person on TV, that much cannot be denied. The overly organised and committed workhorse character has been done a fair few times in sitcom, but none compare to the levels of dedication that Leslie Knope put forward.
The show centred around her, as not only was she the leading character but she was the orchestrator of almost every important narrative that the series followed.
Leslie was never one-dimensional, as she was shown to be passionate about many things but flawed in her obsession and prone to fits of pettiness. This helped to generate great sources of conflict and stopped her from feeling like too perfect a presence, which many other shows might have tried to turn her into.
Amy Poehler is a phenomenal comedian, and this series was a real showcase of what she is capable of. Poehler can find comedy in any scenario and is a master at creating a loveable protagonist.
Ultimately, Knope was the glue that kept the show together and is only bested by one other iconic character.