Parks & Recreation: 10 Great Moments From 100 Great Episodes

3. When Leslie Gave Her Flu-Ridden Harvest Festival Presentation

"Flu Season" was such a great episode all around, setting the standard for the rest of the third season, and giving every character a strong storyline. Best of all, Amy Poehler is basically a comedy goddess, and hugely quotable: at one point, she wraps her jeans around her neck and asks Ann "Does this scarf look okay?" She asks Ben to pay for her cab because "I looked at the meter, but it had Egyptian hieroglyphics on it. Do you know the exchange rate?" The best part is her speech. She gets up there, all shaky and hopped up on flu medicine, then she totally nails it. She starts to drop off at the end and responds to a man's question with "Why is half of your face all swirly?" but it doesn't matter, she's done her job. She steps off the stage and asks Tom, "Was I wearing a tiara when I came in here? Because, if you happen upon it, will you have Lady Pennyface retrieve it and send it post hence?" And then we see Ben, who was comparing her speech to all of these sports moments where athletes have played sick, and then his expression softens. He pauses and says,"That was Leslie Knope," and smiles. And we know that was the moment where Ben fell in love with Leslie.

Jenny is an amateur writer and a professional procrastinator. She has perfected the art of passing off West Wing quotes as her own in every day conversation, and never talks to inanimate objects as if they are people. Well, almost never. Follow her on Twitter @jenny_rauch if you enjoy hearing about the current Chicago weather and/or what kind of coffee she is drinking.