Peaky Blinders: The Worst Thing Each Main Character Has Ever Done

3. Michael Gray - Losing The Money

Peaky Blinders

Michael Gray does live up to his last name, in that his actions within the Shelby organisation have not always been for the benefit of the rest of the family, and he often does things that put him in a grey area. He is somebody that Tommy intently distrusts and believes that Michael wants to replace him as head of the company.

So, when Michael was sent to America to run the family affairs from the other side of the pond, he was often given express commands on what to do with the invested money. Though Michael ignored them, and when Wall Street subsequently crashed, it left The Shelby Company in a vulnerable condition.

Michael spends most of the fifth season plotting against Tommy to take control of the Shelby Company, proving Tommy right in his suspicions, but when he tells Tommy of the plan to let the family retire with their money and allow him to take control, Tommy throws Michael out.

Along with his new wife, Gina, it is hinted that they might be the pair responsible for ruining the plan to assassinate Oswald Mosely and cause both Tommy and Arthur to lose large chunks of what remains of their sanity.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.