Penny Dreadful Season 2: 10 Public Domain Characters Who Could Appear

1. Cthulhu

entropiaplanets.comPublic DomainBack to H.P. Lovecraft for our last entry and our pick is easily his most famous creation. Cthulhu is one of The Great Old Ones, a pantheon of gods who existed before the dawn of mankind. He sleeps beneath the sea in an ancient underwater city known as R'lyeh and has legions of worshippers who have foretold of his reawakening. During the last few episode of this season, Vanessa Ives, and subsequently Ethan Chandler, was possessed by some sort of malevolent unknown force. During Vanessa's conversation with it when it's inside Ethan, she identifies it as Satan. But what if she was wrong? What if instead, Chandler was the mouthpiece for the Dreaded Old One who sleeps beneath the sea? It'd be a nice twist and a way to introduce a little Lovecraftian mythos into the proceedings, especially if you have our previous suggestion of a young Randolph Carter present. Obviously, Cthulhu wouldn't be played by any one person, but if you're going to give him a proper voice at some point, mo-cap and voice actor extraordinaire Andy Serkis is the way to go here. So, Penny Dreadful fans? Agree? Disagree? Maybe you can think of a better actor/actress for these roles? Click on that comment box below and let us know!

Just a jolly ol' pop culture nerd living just outside London in England. I dabble in a little bit of everything but specialise in wrestling, gaming and comic books.