Pennyworth: 9 Ups And 5 Downs From "Pilot"

5. The Handling Of Thomas Wayne
Thomas Wayne Pennyworth

From the moment Pennyworth was announced, many were a tad apprehensive about the show featuring Thomas Wayne.

Given that some similar TV shows often can’t wait to slap their audience around the face with foreshadowing – see: Edward Nygma supping out of a question mark-adorned mug in one of Gotham’s earliest episodes – there was the worry that any sort of Wayne involvement in Pennyworth would cause the show’s titular character to be overshadowed.

Fear not, for this appears to not be an issue for Pennyworth – at least based on the series’ first episode – and there’s not even a whiff of grandiose about Thomas at this point. Sure, we know the guy is rich, but he’s not held up on any sort of pedestal or treated like a saint.

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Senior Writer

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