Pennyworth: 9 Ups And 5 Downs From "Pilot"

4. The Raven Society

Jason Flemyng Raven Society Pennyworth

Given that Pennyworth is based around a character pulled directly from a world of superheroes and supervillains, there was some concern at what sort of villains the former SAS man would be going up against.

Comics are so often based around superpowers and god-like abilities, but Alfred is merely a man. Fortunately, it looks as if Alfie will be butting heads with The Raven Society throughout this debut season.

Led by Jason Flemyng’s Lord Harwood, this nefarious organisation seems to be one step ahead of the game at all times – not least because they’ve got the police in their pocket and are seemingly even working with the Prime Minister and the Queen.

These no-good sorts will prove quite the tough task for Alfred and his pals to take down – and there’s thankfully not a superpower in sight. Not yet, at least. And let’s just hope it stays like that.

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