Pennyworth Trailer Reactions: 5 Ups & 1 Down

4. Uncharted Territory

Pennyworth Jack Bannon
Warner Bros.

Ever since the Alfred prequel was announced, a portion of the Bat-fans have been up in arms, claiming that "nobody ever asked for this". Given the mixed response that it received, it's hard to conclude as to whether that statement is actually true or not, but it doesn't really matter because, upon viewing the trailer, it's really hard to criticise Pennyworth.

As the years go on, Alfred continues to grow into one of Batman's most exciting characters, as new adaptations and reinventions of the comics always tend to add more to the faithful butler's story. Though it was mostly common knowledge that he had his beginnings during a major war (something that Gotham also leaned on), we've never actually been given the opportunity to see it play out on-screen before.

Pennyworth shouldn't be criticised for not being a Batman TV series, it should be applauded for celebrating one of DC Comics' most underrated characters because, at the end of the day, there is a well of untapped potential with Alfred and, after all these years, it's finally going to come to life.

Perhaps nobody asked for an Alfred Pennyworth origin story, but you know what? Maybe he's the hero we needed after all - or perhaps more appropriately, the hero we never knew we needed.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.