Person Of Interest: 4 Awesome Moments & Repercussions From 'The Devil's Share'

2. Root Coming Onto The Team

Person Of Interest Root Root has been a very enigmatic character. Her motives aren't totally defined and she prefers being a lone wolf, only working with other people when The Machine has told her to. Finch was very hesitant, and understandably so, for utilizing her talents in order to track down Reese, but not only did Root help she neglected to even escape when she had the chance. Seeing her interact with and help the POI team further was very pleasant to see, as she's been locked in that change for several episodes now. Furthermore, Root becoming a team member means they'll put her to use even more, but her motives remain unclear. She keeps speaking cryptically about a bigger threat looming which The Machine is trying to prepare her and the others for. The repercussions of allowing her on the team will surely be huge as that threat comes closer and the bigger question is what will she do when it arrives? Will she serve her own interests or actually help Finch and Reese stop it? We'll see how well Root takes to being part of a team and a 'good guy' for now.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.