And with a shower of confetti the new star of Doctor Who exits the stage. I personally support this casting decisions of Peter Capaldi as I believe that the older actor will use his experience playing the infamous Malcolm Tucker and more recently the villain Cardinal Richelieu to lend a darker edge to the currently unreasonably slapstick presentation. Although I dislike the costuming seen in his
first official promo photo, I'm sure they will change to something more iconic much
as Smith's did.I like that they chose a fan over the Rory Kinnear "never seen an episode" type newcomers. The degree of respect and air or reverence the show has been lacking will hopefully be present in the upcoming episodes. He's not the first Doctor to have appeared in the show previously, as fans will remember Colin Bakers appearance as a Time Lord in an episode earlier to his casting as the semi-titular role. We have seen Malcolm Tuckers ability to command a room and exert pressure to exctly the right places in order to get what he wants, and as an aside, I would really enjoy seeing Doctor Who becoming more political with bargaining, arguments and discourse for the good of the universe. Altogether, Capaldi is a fine Scottish actor (though what's the bet he'll mask his voice as Tennant did?) and I am anticipating his opening episode with ever increasing optimism. What do you think about the BBC's decision? Should Moffat leave, in favour of a more serious director? Let us know in the comments below. (If you got the joke in the title, then good for you.)