Picard: 15 ESSENTIAL Star Trek Episodes To Watch First (And Why)
3. “Scorpion” (Voyager - Season 3, Episode 26 & Season 4, Episode 1)
Another two-parter (hell, who's going to complain about too much Star Trek?!), Scorpion is the first really crucial Voyager episode as it deals with the arrival of Seven Of Nine in a Borg-centric episode designed consciously to dial up the show's drama and intrigue levels.
As the crew travel through the Delta Quadrant as usual, they come across Borg-Occupied space and discover Species 8472, who even the Borg fear, forcing an unheard of alliance between Voyager and the Borg against a common enemy. Not only does this mean a lot for Seven Of Nine's debut, but it also explores the idea of the Borg as a rational species a little more.
Any episodes that add added depth to the Borg are a good idea to watch as we're likely to be asked to confront the idea of empathising with them, as Picard himself will no doubt be.