Preacher: 8 Extreme Moments That Won't Happen On TV
6. Cassidy's Dark Past & Treatment Of Tulip

Ennis made a brave decision to make arguably the comic's most popular character into one of its most hated, and the TV series will no doubt follow suit to some degree - but will they show the full extent of how low Cassidy sinks and has sunk in the past?
Cassidy is hardly what you'd call a "good guy", but for the most part his heart seems to be in the right place when it comes to helping Jesse at least, and he's generally depicted as a bit of a fun loving, hilarious a*shole. Then he just becomes an a*shole. Towards the end of the story Cassidy's true personality starts to seep through, and all of the horrible sh*t he's done over the centuries comes to light.
Most shocking is his treatment of women: he punches one ex-girlfriend so hard that her eye pops out, smashes another's jaw, and then when Tulip believes Jesse to be dead he feeds her grief with pills and booze, keeping her so out of it that she's powerless to stop him having sex with her - ie, he rapes her.
AMC will probably take ol' Cass to much the same place in the end, but expect some big changes to the manner in which he gets there.