Preacher Season 3: 4 Ups & 1 Down From 'The Coffin'

2. The Tulip and L'Angelle Twist

Preacher Season 3

Tulip and Marie L'Angelle share a connection because it was the witchy old woman that brought Tulip back from the great beyond. What we didn't realise, however, is just how far that connection stems. Last week, Madame Boyd informed Tulip that in order to break the agreement Jesse made with L'Angelle, Tulip would have to kill L'Angelle.

However, it turns out that Boyd was playing Tulip, and it was revealed in The Coffin that Tulip's life is actually bonded to L'Angelle's. But how did we find this out? In typical Preacher fashion, of course, as Tulip and the old lady engage in a physical fight, before Tulip gets the upper hand and kills L'Angelle. In turn, Tulip dies, but is brought back to life when Jesse revives his grandmother. Talk about family connections...

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.