Preacher Season 3: 4 Ups & 1 Down From 'The Coffin'

1. The Coffin

Preacher Jesse

Jesse's difficult childhood has been referred to on many occasions throughout Preacher's three seasons, and we've even been given little tidbits of information via flashbacks. But the small-town preacher was forced to re-live his childhood pain in The Coffin, as L'Angelle has her grandson put in a coffin underwater - a torture technique she used to use on him when he was a boy.

We're given a brilliant montage of Jesse's reaction to his situation. One moment, he's calm and collected, and the next he's screaming at the top of his lungs, banging on the wooden lid of the coffin, hoping for release. Regardless of the horrid things he's done, we couldn't help but sympathise with Jesse here.

The subtext in this scene is great. Jesse's escape is more than just a mere escape, as it's representative of the fact that he's not going to let his grandmother abuse him anymore. This is further intensified by the fact that upon saving L'Angelle's life, he asserts authority over TC and Jody, refusing to be pushed around by them.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.