Predicting The Fate Of Every Avenger Announced In The Disney+ TV Shows

1. Bucky (The Winter Soldier) - Dies

Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes has been through every kind of pain imaginable over the course of his tenure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Unable to stay dead after the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, Bucky has tried to redeem himself for his sins as the brainwashed Winter Soldier. His time as the assassin saw him kill many people , with the character trying to redeem himself ever since Steve helped him remember who he was.

However, with the studio electing to have Sam take over the role of Captain America and his best friend now retired, Bucky's character arc has no reason to continue except for one last act of redemption. Barnes' personal conflict with Zemo, due to the event of Captain America: Civil War, supports the idea that Bucky will put it all on the line and eventually die by the conclusion of the series.

Bucky's death would result in the conclusion of his redemption arc, as the Winter Soldier would ultimately stop the evil plan Zemo has in store, while finally solidifying himself as a friend and true ally in the eyes of the new Captain America.

While this move would devastate a portion of the fanbase, Bucky has run his course in the MCU - given any future storylines with Black Widow now appear impossible - and one last noble sacrifice would redeem the character's past sins and allow him to finally rest in peace.

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