Ranking All 8 Seasons Of Dexter

4. Season 3

dexter morgan michael c hall

Season 3 of Dexter is a bit of a weird one. It never quite feels like the arc is as solid or as well plotted as the prior two seasons, but it’s still entertaining nonetheless. Jimmy Smits guest stars this season as District Attorney Miguel Prado, Dexter’s first true friend in the series. He has a passion for justice and, we learn, a dark driver just like Dexter. Together the two begin a partnership with Dexter teaching Miguel his method for killing his victims. The season explores what happens when a similar character to Dexter is let loose on the world without Harry’s strict code in place and we see through Miguel the potential monster Dexter could become if he was to turn away from his stepfather’s teachings.

Jimmy Smits is a fantastic addition to the cast and is a huge part of why the Miguel Prado character is so intriguing to watch. This is also the season which sees Desmond Harrington join the cast as Detective Quinn, a role he’ll remain in until the end of the series after this point.

Ultimately, season 3 is a perfectly solid season of Dexter, though it fails to break new ground or improve upon its predecessors as some other seasons did.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.