Ranking All Seasons Of 24 From Worst To Best

3. Day 4

24 Jack Bauer
20th Television

The fourth season acted as something of a reboot following the three-season arc (trilogy) of the Nina Myers/David Palmer Presidential Saga. CTU became a new animal with a lot of new faces, Jack wasn't behind a gun anymore and things looked to be just any other day.

It was one calamitous, chaotic struggle after another with train bombings, government official kidnappings, nuclear plant meltdowns, EMPs turning Los Angeles into the apocalypse, and the 'Nuclear Football' was apprehended after Air Force One was shot down. All of these could have made their own major 12-episode plot, but Day Four took no prisoner as it pooled all its resources together to give us one heck of a season.

The fourth season had some great moments: Jack's reunion with Tony Almeida forged a pairing between the two that we'd never seen before, the one-man assault Jack took to the compound holding Secretary Heller was 'Classic Jack', and the brief return of David Palmer at the end felt like the old gang was back together.

If there is fault to give, it has to be the overarching villain of Habib Marwan (Arnold Vosloo) who came off more as a GI Joe baddie than a legitimate threat.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!