Ranking All Seasons Of 24 From Worst To Best

4. Day 7

24 Jack Bauer
20th Television

After the horrendous sixth season, 24 really had to shake things up. The first thing it did had given audiences the mixed mini-movie 24: Redemption - bridging Days 6 and 7 together. The second thing it did was take the story out of Los Angeles and to the heart of America, Washington DC.

Day 7 did very well at breathing new life into the show: a whole new world saw the show's first female President of the US (played spectacularly by Cherry Jones), the return of Tony Almeida from beyond the grave, and a broader universe with a uniquely developed villain and threat.

Taking place in Washington, the White House played a huge part in Day 7, including a siege which would be a series highlight forever. Jon Voight and Tony Todd's villains were welcomed new flavours to the line of 24 antagonists, as well as a few new FBI counterparts.

The show finally addressed one huge aspect of the series - it's very loose ethics with torture. In Day 7, Jack came to terms with his actions in previous seasons, and for once, deep and honest questions are asked about our beloved hero.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!